Treat you better karaoke higher key
Treat you better karaoke higher key

treat you better karaoke higher key

While doing scales, try using sounds like ah and oh. In school I learned to do scales for warming up and there are good videos on YouTube that can help if you are new to the idea of warming up. Don’t just wake up and start trying to hit your highest note. “Relative to knowing your range, it’s very important to warm up and treat your voice like an instrument. I would say, try everything you like & if it doesn’t work, just take something else 😄 ” – Angels_Nadine And many more tips! And which songs are good for your voice depends on what you like. But the sound you can always find if you like to harmonize. The bottom line is, have fun when you’re singing, try to relax… when you do that your notes will soar more than you think it can.” – IM_ALL_IN Try many and see what works But then there’s times when I attack a song I know is way out way of my range, feel ok about it, listen back to it and think “Damn Pu’ukani you slayed it!” LOL I guess that’s the fun thing about this app, it’s a great place to test and stretch your vocal range whether it be higher or lower. “Sometimes I sing a higher range song, feel great about it, save it, then listen back to it and think “WTH was I thinking?” If you scroll down my channel there’s many examples to choose from.


Then you can learn how to maximized your vocal by learning beltings, head voice, chest voice, whistle voice so you can hit all those high and low notes you can search youtube for learning basic vocal lessons or you can take vocal clinique to learn these techniques” – blackwaters Test your vocal skills – may not be what you expected this you must know so you can give your personal touch on every performances. which genre’s? is it rock, RnB, ballads and others. “First you must know whats best genre’s with your voice. Listen to your body, if it hurts, don’t push it.” – JeffreyAKG_TV Find your genre I might switch to falsetto at that point. As for range and as a male, I watch for neck tension in the high ranges, that’s straining on the vocal cords and not great for longevity.

treat you better karaoke higher key

Softer voices tend to sound great on acoustic songs, gravelly on rock and blues etc. “This is still a struggle for me, but a rule of thumb is that if you like to sing it, sing it 😁 some voices sound more comfortable / fit the typical sound in certain genres but it’s great to branch out. It’s the most natural that way.” – EDOUGH Listen to your body In terms of songs suited to your voice, I think you just have to start with whatever type of music you like most and you connect with. I have a pretty good idea of my range but I feel I’ve been able to stretch it lower and higher by working with her. This way, I don’t get bored, and I expand my musical horizons.” – Ailina_ Finding a vocal coach “Personally, I think a vocal coach is very helpful in this area. However, “safe” songs are always good to sing, I try to push myself out of my range or out of my genre for a challenge. I also listen to singers/Smulers who sing in the same range as me. Me, personally, the songs/artists I like are songs/music I enjoy singing myself. “I usually search for songs I love and artists I adore in the songbook first. Also, the songs written for a womans’ range are more difficult to be sang by a man and the opposite.” – LAURA_TV Finding artists you love The ideal is to find songs where you can use your closest range to your speaking voice.It will sound natural, and it’s what makes the message of a song pass through your audience in the best way. A song that fits your range shouldn’t need much effort to get a clear sound, after warm-ups( forcing the vocal chords / throat muscles). “The best way to determine if a song fits your range is to give it a quick go first then if you needed to force to get the sound (whether is too low or too high) then it’s not. Through shared performances, tips, guest blog posts by veteran users, we hope that Smule Inspire will do just as its name implies: inspire all users in the community – to connect, collaborate, and create music together … ultimately to have the best experience possible on Smule. Tuesday Tips is part of our Smule Inspire program.

treat you better karaoke higher key

Share Tuesday Tips: How to know what song is suited to your voice

Treat you better karaoke higher key